When it comes to dog behaviour, there are many different methods and tactics that have been recommended over the years. However, as with other things, there’s always the scepticism and doubt that these sorts of tactics actually work.
One of which is the dog pheromone collar. The idea behind them is that they are supposed to calm your dog down, which can be useful for dogs that often bark or react to things when they’re out and about.
But do these collars actually work? Well, technically it’s a yes and no. While they may calm your dog, they’re not going to change your dog’s overall behaviour.
Of course, there’s a lot more to know than just this. So we’ve written this handy guide that explains much more that you need to know.
Ready to find out more? Then dive in with us below as we explore the whole thing!
What Are Pheromone Collars?
Before we go any further, it’s a good idea that we explain exactly what these pheromone collars actually are. To understand this, we must first recognise that all mammals and some other types of animals emit pheromones.
These are chemical factors that affect the same species of the animal that secreted them. For example, when a puppy is born, the mother will emit pheromones that calm their young and themselves.
Due to the calming nature of these pheromones, a synthetic version of them was created and then placed into things like room sprays, and indeed – collars.
While some owners still remain sceptical over their efficacy, some owners have reported that these items help their dogs if they suffer from separation anxiety.
Do These Collars Work?
Now we come to the crux of this guide. As we mentioned earlier, when assessing their efficacy, the answer is really yes and no. In many cases, they calm your dog down in terms of alleviating stress and anxiety.
However, it’s important to note that these collars will not actually change your dog’s behaviour. There have been many claims over the years that pheromone wall plug-ins have prevented dogs from messing in their homes, but there’s little evidence to support this.
This does not mean to say that these collars don’t have their uses though. In truth, if these collars calm your dog and reduce their levels of anxiety – it’s possible that they will also reduce any aggressive tendencies.
While it’s likely that these collars won’t stop your dog from “doing what a dog does”, in other words – if they are prone to barking a lot – they might reduce the frequency of it.
Effects Of Pheromones On Animals
Plenty of research already exists on the effects that pheromone therapy has on cats and dogs. From the studies, the researchers suggested that this type of therapy reduced the levels of stress and anxiety in the animals, and discouraged cats from fighting.
Some dog owners have reported that these collars have helped their pets when thunderstorms strike, or during fireworks (such as on Bonfire Night), by relieving some of the stress and fear.
Of course, while there is a lot to shout about from what we see from these studies and from other dog owners, there’s very little concrete evidence to suggest that these collars are the answer that every pet owner is looking for.
As we alluded to, these collars are not going to be a magic touch and a golden solution. The fact of the matter is, you should always try other approaches for your dog, if you are concerned about their behaviour.
There’s nothing wrong with using a pheromone collar by any means, but do not use it as a primary solution. Instead, it’s a good idea to interweave this collar with other methods. You may decide to use these collars along with:
- Anxiety wraps
- Medication from your vet
- Supplements
- Behavioural training
The most important out of these other methods is behavioural training. Some people are a bit concerned about these sorts of classes, especially with the costs involved. However, it’s possible to find them for a very budget friendly price.
While dog pheromone collars may work, you should not use them as a primary source of behavioural training. Consider using them in conjunction with other methods, along with ensuring your dog is fit, healthy and happy.
How To Use Pheromone Therapy Products

If you are dead-set on using some of these pheromone therapy products that we’ve mentioned in this guide, then it’s a good idea to know how to use them properly.
Let’s start with the pheromone collar which is the overall meat of this guide. These are actually the newest form of pheromone therapy products, which is likely why they are highly in question at the moment.
There’s not a lot to know about these. You simply need to put them on your dog and let them become accustomed to it. However, it’s always advised that you pay attention to the reaction of this collar with your dog, in case they react negatively.
Wall Plug-Ins
It’s best to place these plug-ins in rooms that are often frequented by your dog, but also where other people will congregate, such as the living room. Be sure that your dog does not come into direct face contact with these plug-ins though.
Try not to spray your dog directly with these. Rather, you should spray onto other items like a dog blanket or something similar. One suggestion is to spray their blanket if you need to transport them to the vets as this can reduce their level of anxiety and fear.
The Bottom Line
While these collars have been shown to have some level of efficacy, more studies are needed for concrete evidence. You may decide to use these collars, but do so in conjunction with other therapies.