Welcome to Jug Dog, your one stop shop for everything Jug dog related! Here you’ll find all the information you need to care for your Jug from puppy to old age.
A Jug dog being a crossbreed or hybrid can vary from litter to litter in terms of appearance, for example the Jack Russell Terrier parent can have a smooth coat, fine coat or a wiry coat which he or she can pass on to
the pup. Jack Russell Terriers can also have short legs or long legs (for their breed) which can also be passed on.
Pugs on the other hand don’t have too much difference between them other than the colour (fawn, apricot and black typically) and as such don’t contribute to the difference in appearance like Jack Russell Terriers do, however, if the Pug is black you are unlikely to get a light coloured Jug!
What is a Jug Dog?
What Does A Jug Dog Look Like?
That is easiest to explain in our gallery section and in the pictures throughout the website. However, not all Jugs will look the same and it depends on various factors but predominantly based in what the parent Jack Russell and Pug look like and whether or not it is a 50/50 Jug or otherwise.
- Kenworthy, Alan (Author)
This useful book all about the Jug Dog breed can help you prepare and look after your new bundle of joy. Inside are handy housebreaking, training, health tips and much more!
There isn’t a great deal of variance in terms of colour as Jugs normally come black, fawn, apricot and sometimes a slight mix of two of those colours. For example our Jug Jeff had a white/brown Jack Russell mother and a Fawn Pug father – he came out fawn coloured with white areas.
Pugs come with a smooth coat but Jack Russells can come with smooth, broken and rough coats and depending on this your Ju could have a bit of a mix. In terms of appearance though it can make a big difference and make one Jug look completely different to another. For tips on keeping your dog clean check out our guide on the best dog shampoos.
Most Jugs come with the Pug’s trademark curly (often looping) tail, but you can still see Jugs with a more straight tail from time to time but they are rare.

Almost all Jugs inherit the Jugs trademark ‘black mask’ – even when it’s black all over it is still technically there!
What Size Is A Jug?
Jugs are typically classed as small dogs, some may even refer to them as toy dogs. If you put them side by side with a Chihuahua however you will soon see they aren’t toys!

Jugs are fairly stocky with a strong chest passed down by the Pug parent and as such are typically lighter than a Pug but heavier than a Jack Russell. They can grow to a weight of around 6-8kg and a height of 25.35cm. These ranges are because of the difference there can be in Jack Russells and Pugs out there.
Find out more about Jug sizes here.
How Long Will A Jug Live For?
A Jug would be expected to live a long and happy life provided it gets plenty of exercise and eats well (see here for out recommended wet dog food and our dry dog food page). A typically life expectancy for a Jug is 12-15 years. Because of breathing problems the Pug can experience the Jug may experience similar issues but not to the degree that a Pug would experience it. Winter and hot weather can give them problems so make sure to not expose them to harsh weather and always make sure there’s plenty of water available. If in doubt contact your vet.
Jug Dog Cleanliness and Grooming
Jugs shed hair at an almost constant level and can benefit a lot from regular brushing and baths. If you’re thinking of getting a Jug then expect clothes and furniture to be covered in small white hairs almost straight away! If you’ve got furniture you don’t want hair on or rooms you don’t want to be messed up then it’s important to set boundaries for your Jug as soon as possible.
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Are Jugs Easy To Train?
Although every Jug differs the general consensus is yes, Jugs are easy to train. Both the Jack Russell Terrier and Pug are intelligent breeds and it seems that the Jug inherits the brains in most cases. This is not to say they won’t need training though, a Jug won’t just naturally sit down when told to without first being taught the trick.
How Much Exercise Does A Jug Need?

Every dog needs exercise and a Jug is no different. Jugs can be quite energetic and will need to use up their energy somehow. It’s recommended that your Jug gets at least a 30 minute walk everyday to help it get rid of exercise energy as well as help it socialise and stimulate its mind. Pugs are generally comfortable with
being house bound and by being a ‘lap dog’ but Jack Russell Terriers aren’t so it’s best to find a happy medium of plenty of exercise but not too much.
Exercise helps keep the dog calm and behaved as being outdoors and socialising is very good for the quality of life your Jug will have. If your Jug never gets any exercise it could develop quite serious health and behavioural problems so always keep that in mind. If the weather’s terrible why not consider some toys to keep it engaged indoors?
Hopefully we’ve answered just exactly what is a jug dog!
History of the Jug
“Jug” is a portmanteau of the names of the parents – the Jack Russell Terrier and the Pug, other names can include Jack Pug and Pug Russell but most settled on Jug. Jug dogs are classed as ‘designer dogs’ or hybrid dogs of two purebred canines. What separates designer dogs from mutts or mongrels are the parents ancestry – breeders will know exactly what breed the parents are and as such the pups will be 50/50; a mongrel may not have a clear ancestry or a clear indication of what makes that dog what it is.

The Jug is a crossbreed of the lovable Pug and the cheeky Jack Russell! Even though it’s a mix of these two popular breeds the Jug has fast become a household favourite with its own personality, looks and behaviour. We felt there needed to be a better online presence and helpful tips for current and aspiring owners of this fascinating breed of dog which is why JugDog.co.uk was set up.
Although many hybrid dogs do not possess a rich history like pure bred do it is estimated that Jug dogs began to bred in the 1960’s in America. In general, designer dogs have become more and more popular through the years as they can blend two physical and psychological traits of pure bred dogs and get a dog that is a perfect match for their lifestyle. Jugs are some of the most popular breeding choices as many fall in love with the way they look as well as generally being more active and healthy than a pug and more calm than a Jack Russell, plus Jug dogs tend to stay small and compact and ideal for apartment or even city living.
Why Choose A Jug Dog?

Jugs are small, intelligent, robust and friendly breed of dog. To many who care about appearances the Jug is a gorgeous looking animal from the moment they are born – plus they come in a variety of different colours.
They are clever dogs, too, thanks to both parents being intelligent and easy to train which is highly desirable feature of any dog.
Essentially, the Jug dog has been specifically bred to be the best of both purebred parents. Jack Russell’s can be overly boisterous and their strong prey drive can lead them to be difficult to manage; the Pug on the other hand can be relatively lethargic and prone to breathing problems. The over the top energy of the JRT is dampened by the Pug side and the breathing problems are resolved by the Jack’s longer muzzle. A Perfect match.
What’s left is a Jug dog, a breed which is very affectionate, intelligent and healthy!
What is a dog’s “temperament”?
This page is about Jug Dogs temperament and if you’re looking at this page it must be because you are thinking of getting an adult jug dog or a jug puppy. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Jug Dog.co.uk we are experts at all things Jug and we will give you helpful information and advice on how to raise a loving Jug.
The definition as found in the dictionary is “the combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person;natural predisposition”. In layman’s terms a temperament is just the way they are, the way they behave and the way they handle themselves in social situations as well as alone. A dog’s temperament can make a big difference in both the owner and the dog’s quality of life, however a dog’s temperament is a complicated subject as you aren’t able to read them or communicate them as you can with fellow humans – understanding different dog temperaments and personalities can be extremely helpful in diffusing difficult situations as well as learning when they are sad, upset or ill.
Before learning more about temperament it’s important to learn more about general dog behaviour first. Jugs aren’t a one-of-a-kind breed where every litter has perfect little pups. The vast majority of dogs can be described as “pack animals” just like their wild relatives Wolves – to survive as a pack they need to be social and understand the pecking order, there will be the alpha, middle of the line and back of the line. This is the biggest reason why dogs and domestic house cats are so different.
The alpha leads the pack, decides where they are going and most things are on their terms. To have a good and safe relationship with your Jug or any dog you should be the alpha of the pack and not the dog. To become the alpha you must enforce training and let the dog know you are in charge here, if they misbehave you need to let them know you disapprove and they shouldn’t do it again. If your dog senses anxiety or weakness in you they can assume the role of alpha dog as they don’t feel like you are capable of the role.
An alpha dogs temperament will be one of protection and safety, you may find your Jug being overly aggressive to those entering their territory (the territory isn’t limited to your house) and may not get on with other dogs not belonging to their pack, they could also be wary of people too. Overall, it’s almost always best that you are the alpha in your pack. If you believe you have an alpha dog we recommend reading this book.
Alpha dogs temperament is one of a strong will and dominating, size does not matter.
Middle of the line dogs are just that, behind the alpha but not quite overly shy and in the back. If you prove yourself to your Jug that you are capable of leading the pack then chances are you’ll have a middle of the line dog and not an alpha. However, what you’ll need to learn about mid line Jugs is that if they feel you aren’t capable of leading any more they are there to step in BUT, and it is a big but, they probably won’t want to lead which can cause them a great deal of stress and become unhinged. The key here is to remain strong and consistent in the eyes of your Jug.
Back of the line dogs often start off as the runt of the litter and have experienced being dominated almost from birth. Back line jugs can be extremely loving and have an extremely close bond with their owner which is of course an extremely desired behaviour but can bring with it some drawbacks such as being overly timid, scared and nervous around people and other dogs. If you think you may have a back line jug it’s important to always work on their confidence and help them cope better in social situations.
What about a dog’s nature?
A jug dog’s nature should be explained differently than their temperament as other factors can come into play which shapes their personality separately from their temperament. For instance, many dog’s personalities can be shaped quite a bit by their breed, further down is a breakdown of general Jug dog personality traits. To put this into perspective consider the Cocker Spaniel breed and how they are generally very energetic and need a lot of exercise, or the Greyhound which are usually quite subdued and quiet…or the Jack Russell which can be quite a handful and headstrong. Lastly

consider the Border Collie who are sheep herding experts and able to follow various commands – this is what we like to a call a dog’s natural personality or ‘nature’.
A dog growing having the exact nature that their breed generally has isn’t guaranteed but it is more likely given is has a good home and is trained well.
A jug, being a crossbreed, hasn’t been established for a very long time so it’s difficult to pin down their exact nature – however, the best indication is to look at both parents and see what their temperament and personality was like. If the mother and father were calm and passive then it’s safe to say your jug dogs temperament will be similar.
Now that we’ve covered the basics of canine behaviour there are still other factors when it comes to the overall temperament and personality of the dog, from here on in this will be more specific towards jugs!
Now, a dog’s temperament isn’t predetermined and they do develop their very own personality just like humans do. However, some breeds can be particularly energetic like a Springer Spaniel and some can be low-key like a Pug. Before I begin and explain what a Jug’s temperament is usually like just remember that the way it has been raised and the experiences its had has a much more profound effect on its temperament than its genetics do. At the end of the page I will list some things you can do with your Jug to make it friendly with people, children, dogs and generally everything out there!
Jug Dogs Temperament
Being a crossbreed a Jug Dog’s temperament can differ quite drastically – it could take after the Jack Russell Terrier in some aspects, it could be more Pug-like or it coul

d be 50/50.
Unlike their full breed Jack Russell parent, the Jug is much more comfortable living a solitude and quiet life thanks to it’s other parent, the Pug. A Jack Russell is generally a full on and energetic breed that needs plenty
of play time and exercise but that’s not to say the Jug won’t need regular exercise or that it’s very low-key like the Pug, however. To keep your Jug from going stir crazy they will need to be regularly exercise but make sure to not over do it, like the Pug the Jug can suffer from overheating and exhaustion from the extra rolls it’s carrying and the shorter muzzle.
Due to its moderate need for exercise the Jug is perfect for apartment living or a house with a small garden. Jugs tend to sleep a lot throughout the day but can get intense for a short while when it’s well rested and alert.
Jugs can make great alert dogs as they do have a bark but by no means is a Jug a ‘happy’ dog. They’ll bark if they hear strange noises or if they suddenly get woken up but generally they are fairly quiet dogs.
Social Skills
Both the Jack Russell Terrier and Pug are highly sociable dogs and so is the Jug as long as it gets plenty of opportunities to socialise under supervision. Dogs who are exposed to people and other dogs properly will learn to not be afraid and instead developer great social skills and the ability to play nice. Jugs can be boisterous and feisty but as long as you recognise when your dog is being nice from when it is being mean you’ll have a social butterfly on your hands.
Consider taking your Jug puppy to puppy classes as soon as they’re vaccinated and old enough – there they will get a chance to meet dogs and people in a safe environment and less risk.
Living With Other Animals
Jack Russell Terriers have a strong prey drive as well as naturally territorial. If you intend to have a Jug living alongside another dog it’s strongly recommended t

o either keep them apart when you’re not around or to consider not doing it at all. Jugs are not as prey driven as their JRT parent but they can inherit some of it.
It is not recommended under any circumstance to allow a Jug to be anywhere near rodents or other animals like that unsupervised.
A Jug dogs temperament is loving, cheeky, feisty, cuddly and endearing. They can be a wonderful dog that will get along with adults, children and animals provided they get introduced and regularly socialised with
often. Although they can be stubborn and at times testing they are ultimately a loyal breed of dog.
Although there are calmer and more energetic breeds out there a Jug is the best of both worlds if you’ve debated whether getting a dog like a Jack Russell or a Pug.
Jug Dog Personality
Every dog’s personality is different, even ones from the same litter! A dog’s personality relies heavily on the

environment they have been brought up in and experiences they’ve had growing up. Our Jug, Jeff, was
exposed to other dogs and people almost as soon as he was born – this has made him very playful and
extremely friendly with animals and humans. However, we can see that he has a mix of some classic Jack Russell Terrier and Pug behaviour –
- He can be very tenacious like a JRT
- He is a ‘shadow’ like a Pug
- He is full of beans like a JRT
- He is very cuddly and affectionate like a Pug
- He can be very stubborn…like both breeds!
These are some of the traits we think are because of the breed or it could be just because of the way we have raised him, either way the point we’re trying to make is the personality of a Jug can differ drastically from Jug to Jug!
We purchased on a book which helped us prepare for our Jug. Although a book can never prepare you fully for your bundle of Joy we certainly felt it helped our base knowledge of what was in store.
Help And Advice
Visit our Information area to find out just exactly what a Jug is and how to care for it.
Visit our training section to help create a strong bond between you and your jug.
Visit our shop for products tailor made for the Jug dog including leads, dog harnesses, beds, dog crates and tasty treats!
We have advice on canine technology such as dog trackers and dog cameras.
Looking To Buy Or Sell A Jug?
Although we haven’t got an area set up just yet, if you’re looking to buy or sell a Jug puppy (or an adult) then please get in touch and we will try to speed up the process and create an area where we can showcase available Jugs from reputable breeders only. We can advise you on the process we took personally to make sure you get the off on the right track!
First things first; every dog can have health problems and this article lists potential canine health problems as well as Jug dog health problems. There’s no need to be alarmed, as long as you train your dog well, feed it nutritional meals and give it plenty of exercise you shouldn’t have any problems at all.
If you want a more specific resource you can check out the Jug Dogs book we have available in the shop.
Jug Dog Health Problems
The Jug is a hybrid dog from the Jack Russell and Pug family and generally the health problems of both breeds are lessened to some extent. Here are some of the common Jack Russell, Pug and Dog Health problems that your Jug may inherit if the parent was a part of a poor breeding ring or in breeding:
Pugs are a brachycephalic breed which means they have a short, wide skull and a short almost nonexistent muzzle. As a Jug, the JRT side of the parents can ‘breed out’ this problem significantly by giving the Jug a slightly longer muzzle and makes breathing easier. However, their muzzle is still quite short and can still suffer from Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome – struggling to breath. This can affect the Jug particularly in hot and cold weather.
It’s best practice to make sure the Jug isn’t out in hot or cold weather for too long and that they have access to fresh water. Panting is one of the ways dogs release heat and excessive panting can lead to breathing problems which includes breathing fast.
Surgery may be required if your Jug regularly has this problem so be aware of you see it struggling to breathe often. Although this is a serious concern for Pug owners it is not as prevalent in Jugs.
Eye infections
Jugs can have bulbous eyes as inherited from the Pug side which can lead to the eyes making more contact with foreign objects and the environment than normal. It’s best practice to make regular checks on the eyes for watery and redness on the eye and around it. This is not so much of a problem in Jugs but it can still happen if running around through bushes or exposed to dust.
- Can be used safely in and around the eye.
Lens Luxation
This is a condition where the lens has been dislocated from the eye, a common condition in terriers and one your Jug may face in later life. It is treatable with early diagnosis.
This involves the thickening of the heart. Difficult to spot early but keep an eye out for laboured breathing.
A condition where an organ or tissue grows outwards. Look for an abnormal bulge protruding.
Hydrocephaly can occur for any dog, not just Jugs and it involves the accumulation of water in the brain cavity. early signs of this can be a loss of balance and co ordination.
This is a male Jug only condition sometimes referred to as an undescended testicle. If you’ve noticed that your Jug may appear to have one testicle or that a testicle is sometimes present and sometimes not he may have cryptorchidism. If this is the case its best practice to consider neutering.
Heart murmurs
Another cardiovascular health issue for Jugs are heart murmurs or “Patent Ductus Arterioles”. An unusual heart sound or beat is a sign of this condition and should be checked out immediately. It is quite a rare condition that usual presents itself before 8 weeks and your breeder should be aware of it.
Von Willebrand’s Disease
This disease is characterised by excessive bleeding. If you notice your Jug being cut and bleeding more than you’d expect it could be down to this disease. Typically, this isn’t a life threatening condition provided your Jug isn’t involved in any violent acts or overly rough play. If your Jug does have this condition then obedience training is vital so that you are always able to keep your Jug out of harm’s way.
Yes, the condition that blights many of the UK’s population can affect dogs also, particularly Pugs and therefore your Jug may be at risk. Jugs are very food driven and sometimes they struggle to stop eating if there’s always food available. Obesity, however, is easily prevented and cured by plenty of exercise and a restricted diet with lots of fibre.
Jugs are meant carry a bit of extra weight so be careful not to confuse its normal state with obesity. Regular exercise and good food (wet and dry) is an easy prevention.
Worms are very common in dogs but can be easily prevented by ensuring a clean living area, free of fleas and keeping them away from faeces of all kinds. For recommendations on worming treatment click here.
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Jug Life Expectancy
How long do Jugs live? Well, this is a difficult question to answer as with many things in life nothing is certain, however, Jugs are a hardy bunch and should live a long time. Smaller dogs tend to live longest among the various breeds and you should expect to see your dog live to be between 12-15 years if given plenty of exercise and a healthy and balanced diet.
You can sometimes improve a dog’s lifespan by spaying and neutering – this should be something to consider once you’ve looked at all the pros and cons involved.
There are also other, smaller things you can do to extend their lives which is to make sure they get plenty of rest, plenty of exercise and loads and loads of social experiences. These small things can improve your Jug’s quality of life and therefore its longevity.
Don’t be too worried about some of the common jug dog health problems mentioned earlier but always be aware of any signs and to act on them as soon as you see them.
Lastly, an often overlooked trick to extend your dog’s life is obedience training. If your dog is trained to listen to your command you can stop serious incidents from happening in the first place such as running across roads, escaping, violent incidents with other animals and eating potentially poisonous foods and substances. Teaching your dog to stay safe and to obey your command can be a life saver and should never be overlooked.
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